Design-obsessed, award-winning Creative Director who refuses to put down mouse in order to make your client’s world as spectacular, impactful & iconic as they deserve.
Hey, I’m Tanner, a Creative Director here in NYC who loves making witty, gorgeous, iconic work.
Collaborative / Nice-guy vibes / Lead by example / Client BFF / LGBTQ tribe / HMU
I'm a native New Yorker, but spent my younger years in San Francisco where I worked at Goodby, Silverstein and Partners as an Art Director for 9 years. During that time I produced work for nearly every account including Got Milk?, Elizabeth Arden, HP, Doritos, Comcast and Häagen-Dazs. And helped win numerous accounts including Comcast, Sprint, Hyundai, Quaker and Sonic.
After Goodby I moved to NYC where I predominantly freelance but have settled down from time-to-time. My favorite stint being at Mother, where I was a creative lead on Target.
Over the years I've had the pleasure of collaborating with great creatives like Roman Coppola and Dave Meyers and immense talent including Britney Spears, Carly Rae Jepsen and Vera Wang.
I’ve always had a strong eye for design and fashion, particularly an appreciation for the cutting-edge and boundary-pushing. This leads me on annual trip to Tokyo (I took Japanese in high school and college) where I keep up on the what’s hot "tactically." Meaning I tend to come home with something I will surely look ridiculous in, and pounds and pounds of design books.
And subsequent baggage fees.
In my free time I design and operate a small apparel line. And for fun (when I have the time) I do things like shimmy up the sides of the Great Pyramids, kayak in Antarctica, visit places that Mom wishes I wouldn’t (Chernobyl) and take intercontinental drives. Ask me about he Mongol Rally sometime.
I have a dry sense of humor, but a warm heart and I genuinely relish working and collaborating with other creatives and clients alike. Mind is always on answering what is the best solution to this business problem and how do we have the absolute most fun achieving that. Because this type of work should be fun.
Cannes / Gold / Print Advertising / Stella Artois / A Taste Worth More (David Beckham hand model)
Art Directors Club / Gold / Integrated Advertising /
Häagen-Dazs / Help the Honey Bees
Cannes / Silver / Integrated Advertising / Häagen-Dazs / Help the Honey Bees
One Club / Green Pencil / Häagen-Dazs /
Help the Honey Bees
One Club / Gold / Integrated Advertising / Häagen-Dazs / Help the Honey Bees
Graphis / Design Annual / HP Vivienne Tam
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners - Sr. Art Director
Mother NY - Creative Lead
McCann - CD
Vacation - Head of Design
And a whooooooole lotta freelance.
(415) 990-1107